Boar Bot 2.0
Building on the trusted foundation of the original model, the updated Boar Bot 2.0 features a variable speed motor with soft-start and soft-stop functionality. This technology enables you to maneuver more precisely, quietly, and safely through the barn.
Modern innovation combined with time-tested Boar Bot technology means that the newest version of the Swine Robotics Boar Bot 2.0 is a new and improved reincarnation of the machine that pork producers have trusted for a long time.
The original Boar Bot runs at one speed. Boar Bot 2.0 has variable speed with soft-start, soft-stop, and an infinite range of speed. Boar Bot 2.0 gradually accelerates, is less jumpy, runs quietly, has more refined technology, and is overall a smoother operating machine.
This technological advancement in heat checking answers the call for pig farmers to provide best welfare to every pig on our farm, including the boars helping us find females in heat. Boar Bot 2.0 exercises boars with smooth, gradual acceleration, respectful of the fact that the boar naturally starts slower and gradually picks up speed as he moves through the females. These boars have an important job to do for us. If we treat them with optimal welfare, they will be better at finding females in heat.
Mechanized efficiency
Easily operated by one person
Quiet technology reduces refractory females
Increase safety with 95% less boar-worker contact
Increase farrowing rates by 2-10%
Generate profit in the first 6 months
Able to travel 1.5 times faster than a regular boar bot.
- Low speed for heat checking
- High speed for put away at end of day.
Reliable technology and durable farm equipment
Variable speed motor for precise maneuvering
Nickel-plated design houses reliable internal robotics
510 lbs. 4-wheel-drive traction, 2-speed efficiency, and only 19.75” wide
Able to travel 1.5 times faster than a regular boar bot.
Able to operate at the exact correct pace during heat checking events
Boar Bot study conducted by Nicole Sugai of the University of Illinois College of Veterinarian Medicine
For a printable download, click here.
* Read more about Boar Bot 2.0 on the innovations page.
See it in action!
Hearse to make light work of big animals
Side Guard to better focus a boar’s attention
Stainless steel body for added life
Narrow Model that is only 17.5” wide and 475 lbs